Planting seeds

To all of you who celebrate Nativity today, we greet you with a joyful “Christ is Born!”.  To all of you who are on the Julian calendar, we wish you a continued blessed Fast.  Acknowledging that we Orthodox have two different calendars is just one of the few quirks that we will have to navigate as a pan-Orthodox school.  It is not something that we are shy to talk about; we are ready to face that challenge head on.  We will celebrate those differences with a spirit of love and mutual understanding.  Truthfully, there are many times we fast and feast together, such as Wednesdays and Fridays, Lent and the Paschal cycle, but even when we are separated by thirteen days, the spirit of the fasts and feasts are one and the same.  We are united in our mindset and approach, and of course our love for Christ.

We will keep this newsletter short and sweet, because we have some homework for you!  Go check out our newly launched website,  We will continue to update it as the project moves along, so do check back often.

You’ll also see that there is a “donate” button on the site.  We are not able to issue tax receipts yet, as we are still applying for charitable status, but any gift you can spare would be well received.  We are beginning to come up against some start-up costs, and it would be very helpful to have some seed money for this school to take root and grow.

May our Heavenly King bless you during this season!


With love in Christ,

The HKOA Team


Desire and Effort


Drum roll please…