The Apocalypse

We sure hope that title grabbed your attention, because this newsletter is an important one!  Of course, we don’t mean “apocalypse” in the sense that many modern speakers use the word – you know, that chain of large-scale catastrophic events that lead to the end of humanity and nature as we know it.  No, we are using it in its truest sense, coming from the Greek apokálypsis, which literally means “from cover” and refers to a disclosure or revelation of knowledge.  Much less dramatic.

What knowledge, you ask?  Well, of course we’re referring to where our home will be.  Or at least, where we pray fervently that it will be.  But we’re getting ahead of ourselves; let us share a bit more background with you first.  The location that we’ve been hinting at and praising for the last many weeks will unfortunately not work as our first home, since the process to approve the zoning and acquire an occupancy permit will simply take too long.  Perhaps it will be our home in the future, God knows.  But for now, we’ve had to pivot quite quickly and search for another location, one that already has the appropriate zoning and the possibility for a quick occupancy permit.  And of course, by God’s grace, one such a gem has been revealed to us!  Here’s the deal, though: we will share the actual location – no more secrecy needed, we’ve always preferred transparency anyway – BUT you do need to understand that nothing is official.  We have submitted our proposal to them, but it has not been approved or denied.  They will need to take some time with our proposal and will provide an answer by March 1st latest.  So you have to promise that before you keep reading, you are fully aware that we cannot say this location is locked in, 100%, no turning back, no switch-backsies.  Promise?  Okay, read on.

The gem that we’re speaking of is Morse Place Community Centre, at 700 Munroe Avenue.  It’s located in East Kildonan, on land with sprawling green space, a playground, baseball diamonds, hockey rinks – and even a community wading pool.  On-site summer field trips, anyone?  The building itself was originally a one room schoolhouse (how fitting!) that has been renovated through the years and now has a large addition.  It is plenty big enough for our needs, has a small kitchen, loads of natural light, and has obviously been well cared for by the community.  Again, we have only just submitted our proposal, so nothing is set in stone, but we do need your prayers!  If you can take a moment and light a candle and some incense before your prayer corner, and whisper into God’s ear for us with confidence and love, it would mean everything to us.

Without a doubt, our prayer has always been and will always be that God’s will be done.  Whatever that means for us, and for our school.  We submit ourselves to Him fully and completely.  God willing, and only God willing, this location will prove to be our home.  In the meantime, we must wait as patiently as we are able, with the trust like that of a young child who deeply knows that they’re cared for.

“Have patience.  Patience is the strongest medicine that heals great and long-lasting trials.  Most trials are endured only with patience.  Great patience can resolve many problems and bring about divine results; when you do not even expect a solution, God provides the best solution.  You should know that God is pleased when man goes through trials and endures them without grumbling, giving glory to His holy name.”  St Paisios the Athonite


In the meantime, we are still accepting student applications!  Obviously, we understand that many families cannot commit until the location is secured.  Hopefully, this newsletter has given you some hope!  We will be extending the application deadline once our location is definite – more news on that in later letters.


With love in Christ,

The HKOA Team


A place to call home


Educating towards the Kingdom