What light it brings after darkness

Dear brothers and sisters, as we enter into Great Lent, I feel a strong pull to move inward and to be quiet for a little while.  The struggle is about to begin.  I’m sure you feel it, too. 

My words will always fall short, so I offer you these words by St Theophan the Recluse: “Fasting appears gloomy until one steps into its arena.  But begin and you will see what light it brings after darkness, what freedom from bonds, what release after a burdensome life.”

I find these words such an encouragement - we have only to begin!


I don’t want to disrupt your focus, so to that end, this update will be short and sweet.  Just two things!

  • We are still actively accepting applications! Send them, or your questions, to admin@heavenlykingacademy.ca.

  • We are now on Instagram (and still on FB), where we share fun videos and quick updates. Please find us @heavenlykingacademy and share with your friends!


In the spirit of Forgiveness Sunday, I ask all of you to forgive me, a sinner.  For all that I’ve done and all that I’ve failed to do.


With love in Christ,

Elissa (on behalf of the HKOA Team)


The last thing to grow


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