The one that is for our good

“Let us entrust our life to God, and may it be done as He wishes.  Whatever the outcome may be for us, that’s the one that is for our good.  For God does not want the perdition of man, but his salvation.  There is no need for despair.  Rather we should have courage and hope in God.” - St Ieronymos of Aegina

So much of this journey has been about trust.  Trusting that as we place one foot in front of the other, our Heavenly King is actively guiding us to what we need to do and where we need to be.  There have been times when we were frustrated by a perceived obstacle, but inevitably that obstacle has always been revealed as a blessing – God’s timing is not our timing, and His ways are not our ways.  We are not in charge.  This is humbling and yet also an overwhelming relief!

By your prayers, our search for a location is starting to bear fruit.  We are still considering any and all possibilities until we secure a home, so please continue to send in your recommendations.  There does seem to be more and more positive responses to our requests, so God willing, we will be able to share news about a facility soon.  Please continue to pray for our school, and for our home to be revealed.


The wine raffle and 50/50 draw are still going strong!  If you haven’t purchased tickets yet, there is no time like the present.  If you have purchased already, please continue to spread the word.  Our fundraising potential through these draws is $20k, and that would go a LONG way to helping us get the school ready for our young ones.  Help us reach our goal by sharing the images below with all of your contacts, Orthodox and non-Orthodox, whether you know them through school or work, soccer or chess club.  You get the picture!  There is no one off limits, everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate.

Spirit Days are all set for every Thursday in February from 7-8:30pm at Kid City on Archibald, and we want to see you there!  Admission is $20/child (3 and under are free), which covers all four events.  We want to get to know you, and perhaps more importantly, we want our children to get to know each other.  The more we can connect over the next few months, the stronger our community will be for it, and will give our school a huge head start when it’s time to open our doors in the fall.

We are just a few days away from accepting student applications!  You read that correctly.  As of February 1st, we will be accepting applications for enrolment into Heavenly King Orthodox Academy.  We have limited spaces available, and the actual numbers of enrolled students by the end of February will determine our staffing for this upcoming school year.  We need to make sure that every Orthodox family in our community knows about us, to give everyone the opportunity to join us.  But here’s the thing.  We can’t reach out to every single Orthodox family.  We are stretching ourselves to make this all happen, and we are coming to realize that we can’t take it all on our shoulders. 

We NEED you to spread the word. 

So here’s a challenge for you: take a moment to share this newsletter/post with at least five people in your life.  Even if they don’t have school-aged children, encourage them to support this project through the fundraiser or by signing up to the newsletter to hear about other opportunities to be involved.  We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, if we want this Orthodox school to be a reality, a dream so many of us have shared for so long, we ALL must work together to make it happen.  Every jurisdiction, every parish community, every family, every single person.  It is our work, it is your work, and it is important work.

May it be blessed!


With love in Christ,

The HKOA Team


Everything should be secondary


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